
This past weekend our program took a trip to Granada, Spain. We left around 11:30 on Friday and took a bus to get there. We hit some really bad traffic and our director said in the ten years they have been going to Granada they have never seen traffic so bad. When we finally made it, after like five hours of travel, we checked in to our hotel and set off to see the view. Since the Granada is near the Sierra Nevada mountains a lot of the city is uphill. Sam, our director, took us to see one of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen. Pictures do not do it any justice. There were many merchants at the top of the hill and at one point the police drove by. I have never seen so many people move so fast at once. Since they do not have permits to sell they all had to scramble when the police came by. After taking in the view we traveled back down to bar hop. In Granada, most places serve a free tapa with every drink. The tapas were so good. Some of my favorites were mini hamburgers, fried eggplant with honey, and this weird soup with pork and mushrooms. Later that evening we went to a place called Chupitos where every shot is only one euro. The next day we took a guided tour of La Alhambra, a castle with both Christian and Arabic influences. The Alhambra was huge and filled with gardens and intricately decorated ceilings and walls. From the Alhambra, you could see the entire city and the Sierra Nevada mountains. We spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Overall I really liked this excursion and I feel like we all became closer as a group.


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