Cádiz y Córdoba

On Friday the group went to Córdoba, a small town about an hour from Sevilla, where we saw the Mezquita. The mezquita is a mosque that was converted into a Catholic church. It was huge and the architecture was amazing. That was about all Córdoba had to offer. After we toured the Mezquita we saw the rest of the town and had tapas for lunch. My new favorite food is fried eggplant with honey. Later that night we went to a restaurant called Geiko burgers and just relaxed with friends. Saturday I got up early and went to Cádiz with Jenna. We got there at about 9:30 am and there was no one there. All the shops were closed and it was easy to walk through the streets. We went to the beach and spent a few hours exploring and looking at the tide pools where unfortunately we didn't see many critters. It was still beautiful and the water was soooo blue. By the time we left the beach the streets were packed with people there to celebrate Carnaval, a festival like mardi gras. We had a variety of fried fish for lunch,  a bad idea because most of it was anchovies and the other fish had bones. After lunch, we walked around the streets admiring the costumes and listening to the singers. The time flew by and next thing you know we were on the train back to Sevilla. That night almost everyone for our program met up and we went to the bars. I was too tired so I didn't go to the club, but almost everyone else did. Sunday everyone was feeling the aftermath of the club so we just had a relaxing day. Overall, it was a really great weekend and I am looking forward to spending the next two weekends in Sevilla. 


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